Why is finding that level of emotional security so difficult with the opposite sex?

Why is finding that level of emotional security so difficult with the opposite sex?

What is an emotional connection? If you listen, are there signs that tell you that you are bonding with someone? Learn the ins and outs of an emotional connection and why it is necessary to bond emotionally in order to build a relationship. Defining Emotional Connection bondage.com ekЕџi Each person individually defines what an emotional connection means to her, but there is a basic definition that can apply to all people. An emotional connection is a bundle of subjective feelings that come together to create a bond between two people. The word emotional means to arouse strong feelings. The feelings may be anger, sorrow, joy, love or any of thousands of emotions that humans experience. A connection is a bond, a link or tie to something or someone. Interlock the two words, emotional connection, and it becomes a bond or tie to someone with whom you share a particular set of emotions.

When the attachment breaks or becomes neglected, love falls to the wayside

Relationships without an Emotional Connection In order for a relationship to build and become stronger, forge an emotional connection. Perhaps you are in a relationship with someone you feel strongly about or love. He, on the other hand, seems distant, often holding back thoughts and seldom sharing himself, physically or emotionally. This sort of relationship might be a friendship or a co-dependent situation of living together or fulfilling a sexual need. Without a strong emotional connection, it is doomed to frustrate one or both partners and ultimately fail. The Bonds that Hold A couple that meets and delves into learning as much about each other as possible creates an emotional connection. Through thoughtful and caring communication, you each learn the intricacies of the other. You learn what makes him happy, what makes him angry and what brings him to his knees in joyful celebration. He learns what brings you to tears, what causes you to smile mysteriously, and what frustrates you. You each learn the essence of the other and feel compassion and empathy, or share the emotion.

We stay in love by maintaining the bond

In order for a couple to benefit from the joys of an emotional connection, they must be willing to become vulnerable with each other. Allowing someone into your inner sanctum of secrets, pain and joy means taking risks. A risk of this magnitude demands trust. When trust is betrayed, the healing is long and arduous. According to Susan Johnson and Hara Estroff e of Love” (Psychology Today Magazine, March 1994), “We fall in love when a strong attachment bond is formed. ” Without a strong emotional connection, the road to love is blocked.

Signs of Emotional Connection Although every individual’s emotions differ, there is one universal sign that an emotional connection has been made between two people. A true sign is that both parties invite the other inside. You share funny stories of what happened at work and you share bad days when everything went wrong. You are both willing to give each other peeks into childhood dreams and adult aspirations. The conversation flows easily from one to the other. Even in silence, a couple creating a strong emotional bond will feel at ease. You can share anything with your partner without fear that he will flee and he feels the same. The area of emotional connection is so subjective that each person exhibits different emotions and physical feelings. She may feel “butterflies” in her stomach each time he calls. He e thought at the same time. Is this a deep bond or just coincidence? Every person views it differently. Keep in mind there is a difference between physical attraction and an emotional connection. Although one may lead to the next, physical attraction is a superficial emotion that begins the journey toward an emotional connection and love.