Colonel Bryant had captured and you can taken to Memphis throughout the seventy prisoners and you can a massive countless mules and you will ponies

Colonel Bryant had captured and you can taken to Memphis throughout the seventy prisoners and you can a massive countless mules and you will ponies

As soon as possible, We notified the Brigade commanders, Col

Toward twenty-first from April the new 46th, 14th Illinois Infantry, and you will fifth Kansas Battery pack were distributed so you’re able to re-impose Colonel Bryant of your own twelfth Wisconsin Infantry, who had moving in the fresh new assistance off Hernando polish hearts Recenze, Skip., having an excellent Brigade and you will came across the fresh challenger in effect close Cooler Water. He then gone his whole force once more around three miles south of Hernando and you may encamped to the night, once the cavalry had claimed brand new opponent went. April 23d, commenced all of our return march in order to Memphis, in which we arrived on the 24th, very carefully soaked because of the a heavy precipitation. We came across

Into twenty-first away from Can get the balance of your Brigade joined united states and you can continued on the right out of Gen. Grant’s outlines in regards to the city. We had been at a time ordered in order to Snyder’s Bluffs into the Yazoo river, ten kilometers of Vicksburg. Went into go camping at the Bluffs for a passing fancy night, far distressed that individuals weren’t permitted to enter the range from attack.

The object out of giving us to this place would be to view an enormous rebel push said to be advancing to form an effective junction for the Vicksburg garrison

With the 24th away from Can get we marched in direction of Vicksburg toward Benton roadway. The street is actually most dead and you can dusty and also the weather extremely loving, so it’s an extremely hard march. To your 25th i marched with the significant remaining of our lines close to the Mississippi river, less than Vicksburg, and you may alleviated Gen. McArthur’s Office. The fresh new routine is actually in depth having picket obligations, and at night one side was surrounded plus one hundred and you will 13 officers and you will guys grabbed by the enemy. The fresh particulars of the bring are ready forth on following the profile, viz:

Lieutenant: – Inside the conformity which have orders of Section Headquarters, with reference to a catch off area of the 46th Illinois Infantry, We have this new prize so you can report that for the day out of the newest 25th out of May, the routine try in depth to help ease the fresh 63d Illinois Infantry towards picket obligation. In the cuatro o’clock p. m., this new routine said during the Brigade Headquarters, but compliment of unavoidable dilemmas the new routine was not fully printed up until shortly after 7 o’clock p. meters. Five componies – a portion of that happen to be caught – was posted from the Lieut. Col. John J. Jones of my regiment, under the pointers of Significant of your 63d Illinois Infantry, and upon an equivalent floor in the same way that the 63d are released during the time i treated him or her, and that line expanded from and you may close a thread gin for the Warrenton highway westward so you’re able to a beneficial swamp which i supposed together with started advised try impassable. The other portion of the regiment try released throughout the Warrenton path, eastward on pickets of your first Brigade on my own, however, due to the latest lateness of one’s time while i showed up in the centre of your outlines, and achieving implicit rely on regarding the function and you can skill off Lieut. Col. Jones or any other officials on that part of the range, I deemed they completely so many to consult with they The first security happened at about 1 / 2 of past nine o’clock p. meters. I read several sharp volleys out of musketry. We instantly reinforced the number of listings nearest the point of security, and you may continued really to the level away from whence this new security came, to check out, if possible, the source. I’d gone but a primary point when i discovered an effective human body regarding troops moving quickly together a top off timber on the newest lake, and therefore turned out to be push back soldiers. Because of the fresh new stretched type of pickets, I got only boys sufficient to hold one to portion of the line east of the Warrenton street. Not able to tune in to everything from the pickets towards the west front side of the street, and you may fearing some crisis had befallen him or her, I instantaneously implemented skirmishers over the Warrenton path, which afforded following an entire look at a floor anywhere between it while the lake bluff, to help you protect from a flank way of your own challenger which have a view to cut us of and you can bring all of us. Hall and you can Col. McGowan, dominating a great Brigade for the Gen. McArthur’s Section, just who one another rendered me personally quick guidance. For more full and you can done particulars, We recommend one the brand new records from officers of my order enclosed herewith.
